Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hey Hey you you!
Watch here...!
dont move away your eyes~~~~~
uhmm hmmmm..... 

It's short, but I do it with heart.. 

Let's START!!! 

DEAR Ying~~~~

I know this is rough...
u know I got no time....
aiyah.... mai hiam la.... 

Happy 21th~~~
WIsh you all the best ya... 
love you forever....

Monday, January 16, 2012

说变就变 de 情

好好地昔日room mate 说翻脸就翻脸
当初我要离开的时候   说的舍不得   说的不舍得
两个星期后的今天   我得回去考试   就只是那一个礼拜
你编的理由   我连勉强接受都不合理
你的种种理由   我很明白    却无法接受
你的忘恩负义   我会记在心里  
不止失望   还失落  
从前的喜怒哀乐   让我觉得你的真面目太可怕


It has been ONE month I didn't post up anything.
Sorry bloggers, I'm too busy anyway...

HEY YO!! It's 2012 !!
(okay, its too late to shout for it, i knew. )

I am too busy for having my practical session.
But! It's really really really gonna end soon.
NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!
erk hrmmm.... I really cant wait for my free life!

And my chinese new year. one week more!
Can't wait for those delicious food. hehehe..

My life photos during my busy busy time.
1) Never forget to meet up with my babies!

2) Busy with a lot of black and white human body photos!

3) Change another wallet, because Domo Domo is spoiled.

4) Finish 7 tests during the practical session!

5) Open my hands and WELCOME THE CNYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

If 2012 is the end of the world. Nevermind, we just enjoy it~! 
举起手hua la la la la~~ =D =D

Happy New Year 