Wednesday, March 30, 2011

i am sorry

大家都出现的地方  为什么我的出现   
就造成这样的质疑和轰动   是我不够好吗? 还是我没资格?


Monday, March 28, 2011

Welcome Billy! ♥

Welcome new member!
His name is BILLY!

Awww! I love it so much!! 

Will bring you go everytime I travel~ ^^
Next week bring you go sit aeroplane~ ^^


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Worshipping ancestorrrr

I got a lot of things to spread out, but don’t know where do I start from.  
Just back from worshipping ancestor, don’t understand this word? It’s okay. I just learned it yesterday too. It means Cheng Beng, cool right? Lol. Anyway, I missed my grandparents, even seems like I don’t have much memories with them, but the kinship never make me feel strange to them. 

okay i know it's ugly. So what?!

Oh, there’s an incident during I went to my grandma’s grave. I saw some-kind like snake molting-skin with some black body inside! And the fucking thing was, I nearly STEP on it! WTF!! I can’t imagine what how if I step on it, and it turns back and bites me! Fucking Bitch! I don’t even is there any hospital nearby, because it surrounds with typical jungle. Immediately I screamed and run-off. Sorry for no photo on that.  What the fuck thanks god for not letting it bites me.

Take a deep breath and continue phewwww…. We finished cleaning and worshipping grandpa and grandma’s grave at 12pm. Mr Sun kissed my skin so hardly until I feel shy. Which means my face goes red. LOlx. Sampat. But the fact is, it’s such a long time I didn’t expose under the sun, I am the type of takes hardly long time to return my skin tone to original color. Sad.

Lastly, return to own home around 8pm. Settle dinner at Chai Leng Park with the Lap-Qiong Rice. Choose it because of curious that so many people queue up for the Lap-Qiong stall. But after taste the rice, I just feel okay.

Ignore me. I crap.

Young people especially after 90s, loves to self-take picture no matter where when what. Even a normal comb or even breakfast, they take photos and upload, they called this s-h-a-r-e. And I am the one who did so. I can’t live without a phone without camera function, and totally dependence of it. All I did in daily life; I capture it down and record all of it. Otherwise, this incident will totally wiped off and I forgot it was happened once upon a time. And this so-called Blog, is where I share my story with world, by picking some happening.

Girl loves pretty. But I am not pretty at all, seriously. Maybe you said me fake? Oh well, I don’t care. I am just a normal girl with long hair. Long hair doesn’t mean pretty okayyy.  But the fact is I am a girl, I am trying hard to make myself to be prettier. I never blame to God that don’t give me a pretty eyes, nose blah blah blah. In fact, I thanks to God because he let me see the colorful world with these small eyes, he let me now sitting at here and types out what I feel with ten fingers, and he let me laugh-out-loud in front of peoples with this mouth and thick lips.  
Okay, I crap a lot. Combine these two paragraphs.
In the *-*-h-o-v-a-h’s  photograph, *stunned* *sigh*, It proves that I am not a leng lui. You feel my photos in wherever nice is just because I found the right angle to me. Unfortunately, What I saw in the photography, is a chee-sin girl stand there and let him snap. Zzz. I realized that my hair style was so wtf. Regret for not listening yt’s advise to keep tidy my hair. Realized that I was in public area with this gerlii hairstyle so long time. Well. I will be in saloon right tomorrow.  Most of the pic without looking at camera was ‘’steal-snap’’. And my hair… sigh… 

share: 系上鞋带

share: 淡淡的…………无题

i not sure whether I share it before not. Anyway, just share. 

1. 成熟不是人的心 变老,是泪在打转 还能微笑。

2. 蹲下来抚摸自己的影子,对不起让你受委屈了。

3. 主动久了会很累, 在乎久了会崩溃

4. 爱情就像笑话,笑死了别人,笑疼了自己。

5. 只剩记忆可以炫耀,即使说说也好。

6. 如果真相是种伤害, 请选择谎言。 如果谎言是一种伤害, 请选择沉默。如果沉默是一种伤害, 请选择离开。

7. 有时候,你不得不假装很快乐,只是为了不让别人问“你怎么了?”

8. 看着别人的故事,流着自己的眼泪。

9. 原来爱情的世界很大,大到可以装下上百种委屈;原来爱情的世界很小,小到三个人就挤到窒息。

10. 我們把內心旳瘋狂鎖住,為的不是怕嚇著別人而是怕嚇著自己。

11.  两个人吵架,先说对不起的人并不是认输了,并不是原谅了。他只是比对方更珍惜这份感情。

12. 爱那么短,遗忘那么长。

13. 我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里。

14. 我从不喜欢让别人看见我的眼泪,我宁可让别人觉得我快乐的没心没肺,也不愿让自己看起来委屈可怜。

15. 停下来休息的时候,不要忘记别人还在奔跑。 

16. 我们始终都在练习微笑,终于变成不敢哭的人。

17. 人的一生只有5%是精彩的,也只有5%是痛苦的,另外90%是平淡的;人们往往被5%的精彩诱惑着,忍受着5%的痛苦,在90%的平淡中度过。

18. 当面对两个选择时,抛硬币总能奏效,并不是因为它总能给出对的答案,而是在你把它抛在空中的那一秒里,你突然知道你希望它是什么。

[转自 微博]


不喊痛,不一定没感觉。不要求,不一定没期待。不落泪,不一定没伤痕。不说话,不一定没心声 ------ 沉默,不代表自己没话说。离开,不代表自己很潇洒。快乐,不代表自己没伤心。 幸福,不代表自己没痛过。


Saturday, March 26, 2011

to heaven

Song suggestion for reading this post.

今夜 我很想念姑姑


从她的葬礼到现在 我没哭过 因为眼泪无法证明我有多难过


总是 总是 觉得她在我身边



无法说出口的爱 献上鲜花 请安息

to zonex!





to my dear zonex. love ya~ <3

Thursday, March 24, 2011


女孩与一个好久不见的朋友 通了电话

女孩听后震惊  电话那头传来劝女孩放弃的声音
听见自己心碎洒落满地的声音   女孩装着若无其事和友人谈多两句后  挂上电话

她蹲下抱住自己的双腿   难过得流不出眼泪   用力地整理碎落满地的心

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


有天  我说  



 没关系  有我在

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


今夜我想了很多 多到自己都不懂要如何整理成文字。




Saturday, March 19, 2011

Battle of LA vs Japan Disaster

Hello readers. So lucky I have some free time on Saturday night. =))

Condition in Japan makes me think a lot. I may not help much, but I sincerely wish them safe and healthy and pass through this scary moment faster.

Weekends is means to RELAX! I went to Sunway carnival with Mr Cow and Miss Ying for the movie, Battle of Los Angeles.

The story is telling how brave and the way the marine army save the world. They used their courage and intelligent to solve and attack the so-called Alien. Blah Blah Blah.
Some of the scene, reminds me the Japan earthquake disaster.


Let's watch this video clip:

蘋果日報 - 2011-03-19 - 福島死士等候死刑到來短訊遺言:坦然接受命運   


Friday, March 18, 2011

sharing: 致:我未来的丈夫~

saw from facebook. Another sharing here. 














我是佛教徒   从来都是相信因果报应






我被 割伤!

对,你没有看错,是。我也不知道怎样割。我的手滑过一叠纸,就留下伤口。 =/=



Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello Sem Break I love you!

Hello readers, finally i am here drop by and say a HELLLLLLLOOOOOO

Ohya, I finish my final exam at last week. Guess what? I am enjoying my SEM BREAK right now!! Woots! *excited*

But, I still have to busy a tonnes of things, so I cant back to my sweetie Penang yet. Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? I will go back... My lovely parents are missing me badly.. Muahaha! They keep asking why I still haven't go back even after my final exam... I am sorry, I am busy. I still have a lot of story to share. =)

My friend who make me angry for last week. He apologized. I forgive. The reason he gave me was he DRUNK... -,-  in case you don't know the story, click here.

okay fine. at least you apologize. please don't scold me if I done nothing wrong. Thank you. otherwise I will get mad uncontrollably.  I am sorry for my immature. On the progress to grow. wish me.

Okay. That's all for today. I am busy. =)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Because I didn't forget? -,-


First of all, 我不知道你吃到什么炸药咯。
突然之间  好像Nuclear atom

我从头到尾  都不知道自己做错什么事情咯


repeat repeat repeat, 尝试找我的错出来, maybe 我蠢 咯,我找不到咯。 

Last week,
me: wei, happy bday.
you:  haha. thank you. ei, when your exam finish?
me: er, 9/3 
you: oh same date with my mum bday.

When 9/3, 
me: eh, i finish my exam d. help me wish your mum happy bday .
you: how you know eh? you check my 底 ?
me:  zzz. -,-  you ownself tell me one. who so free go check you... zzzz  -,-
you: i say nia ma, you can no need rmb de.. 
me: my brain didnt forget how i force it to forget.... &^*&Y*(#$%$^&*

告诉我 告诉我,
因为没有  特地  忘记
搞到我  好像很卑微   专程  去记住你说的话酱


但是,骂人要有point okay? 


okay 咯,斯文人  不要跟你吵咯。。。 CHEH. 


Friday, March 4, 2011

end of 1st exam week! =))

Ha. Me again here! It's Friday OMG!
I viewed my little Bloggie, and It was looked so emo lately.
LOL. That's not emo dont misunderstand ya dear readers..
Its so-called STRESS. wtf.
Can you imagine you have to swallow 300+ presentation slide,
and split all of them out when you sitting in the hall?
Its not kidding kayy... x.x
that's all TERMS, you have to memorize words by words as all students did the same things -.-

Well, no more exam post today! Welcome my awesome weekends!! =D
At least let me finish this blog then go sleep and then study okay? =)

First of all, there are two persons I have to apologize here.
First, dear Kli. (lolx. you won't mind your name appeared in my bloggie right? =)) )
I disappointed her for rejected her invitation to Jogoya buffet last night.
Woots! Jogoya right?! lolx. think about the food. sllurrppp. xD

Second, Mr Cow.
Lolx. okay fine. my fault okay. I should not fatt-lan-za again and again and again... ><
Lolx. but do you ever think that so easy to get irritated is kidda childish  immature? lolx. there was just few words. lolx. okay i apologize for blaming you for cheat. you not cheating, but only lying forgetting? LOL. okay . stop your anger right now! and open your msn, pop my conservation out and drop a HELO LENG LUI. LMAO! xD xD

hahaha! I can''t wait for few days more to back home! er, the actual date is not fixed yet but soon!! oh mama~ oh mama~ *excited*

Oh ya, once I back to my room from exam hall. Using my rocket speed, keep away all my past-exam notes into dustbin  cabin. I feel damn frustrated when looking at them. ><
And start to be maid, ignoring my hands become more 'rough?'  All I want is get my room clean!

*cleaning in progress*


did you see the floor? woops! it's shinning! because it's not dry yet. haha.

And guess what? I don't have sweet dream I mean sleep well, nearly a month. yes, a month!  And recently starts cough, not much, just a little.  I wrote these not want my readers to worry about me. I will take care myself, yes i promise.

wait for my next blog. tomorrow. maybe? x)

I love weekends! <3


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

. . . .

I hate myself for so helpless. It's like I fall into the river that fulled of crocodile..
I hate myself for addicted so much to facebook.
I hate myself for sitting here and still blogging.
I hate myself for being so lonely at here. Room is quiet makes me feel so empty.
I hate myself for acting normal even I'm going to crazy.
I hate myself for loving you. It makes me so invaluable.

Mummy sorry that I not even dare to make a phone call to you. I am pretty sure that I will cried up at the end. I feel so helpless and restlessness. I wish I can go home now. T.T
